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助教  三角 吉代/Misumi Sachiyo.,Assistant Professor


  1. Misumi S, Ueda Y, Nishigaki R, Suzuki M, Ishida A, Jung CG, Hida H.
    Dysfunction in motor coordination in neonatal white matter injury model without apparent neuron loss: a rat model for cell-based therapy using oligodendrocyte progenitors
    Cell Transplantation, in press


  1. Ishida A, Misumi S, Ueda Y, Shimizu Y, JungCG, Tamakoshi K, Ishida K, Hida H,
    Early constraint-induced movement therapy promotes functional recovery and neuronal plasticity in a subcortical hemorrhage model rat
    Behav Brain Res, 284:158-166, 2015


  1. Ueda Y, Masuda T, Ishida A, Misumi S, Shimizu Y, Jung CG, Hida H
    Enhanced electrical responsiveness in the cerebral cortex with oral melatonin administration after a small hemorrhage near the internal capsule in rats
    J Neuro Res, 92(11):1499-508, 2014


  1. Misumi S, Nishigaki R, Ueda Y, Watanabe Y, Shimizu Y, Ishida A, Jung CG, Hida H.
    Differentiation of oligodendrocytes from mouse induced pluripotent stem cells without serum
    Transl Stroke Res, 4(2), 149-157, 2013


  1. Ishida A, Ueda Y, Ishida K, Misumi S, Masuda T, Fijita M, Hida H
    Minor neuronal damage and recovered cellular proliferation in the hippocampus after continuous unilateral forelimb restraint in normal rats.
    J. Neurosci. Res. 89:457-465, 2011


  1. Misumi S, Kim TS, Jung CG, Masuda T, Urakawa S, Isobe Y, Furuyama F, Nishino H, Hida H
    Enhanced neurogenesis from neural progenitor cells with G1/S-phase cell cycle arrest is mediated by transforming growth factor β1.
    Eur J Neurosci. 28(6):1049-59, 2008
  2. Kim TS, Misumi S, Jung CG, Masuda T, Isobe Y, Furuyama F, Nishino H, Hida H
    Increase in dopaminergic neurons from mouse embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitor/stem cells in mediated by hypoxia inducible factor-1α.
    J Neurosci. Res. 86(11):2353-2362, 2008


  1. Masuda T, Isobe Y, Aihara N, Furuyama F, Misumi S, Kim TS, Nishino H, Hida H
    Increase in neurogenesis and neuroblast migration after a small intracerebral hemorrhage in rats.
    Neurosci Lett. 425(2):114-9, 2007
  2. Urakawa S, Hida H, Masuda T, Misumi S, Kim TS, Nishino H
    Environmental enrichment brings a beneficial effect on beam walking and enhances the migration of doublecortin-positive cells following striatal lesions in rats.
    Neuroscience 144(3):920-33, 2007
  3. Hida H, Masuda T, Sato T, Kim TS, Misumi S, Nishino H
    Pleiotrophin promotes functional recovery after neural transplantation in rats.
    Neuroreport 18(2):179-83, 2007