
Department of Public Health,
NAGOYA CITY UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Medical Sciences

Graduate School of Medical Sciences @@ Mail Last Updated@2017.6







Public health is defined as science and art to prevent disease, prolong life/prolong active life, enhance quality of life and preserve environment and earth. Our department offers systematic lectures, practice in biostatistics, field studies/group discussion, visit to public health centers and related facilities etc. Systematic lectures include health statistics, epidemiologic methods, cancer epidemiology and prevention, epidemiology of heart and cerebrovascular disease, maternal health, mental health, health promotion for elderly peaple, etc. Practice in biostatixtics includes lectures and practice using personal computers for sampling, age-adjustment, parametric methods, including t-test, non-parametric methods, including Chi-square test, and multi-variate analysis.

b HOME b Staffs b Education b Achievements b
@@@@Department of Public Health,
@@@@Community Medicine, Environmental Health Sciences and Medical Education,
@@@@NAGOYA CITY UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Medical Sciences
1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya, 467-8601 Japan TelF+81-52-853-8176E8177@FaxF+81-52-842-3830