
Department of Public Health,
NAGOYA CITY UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Medical Sciences

Graduate School of Medical Sciences @@ Mail Last Updated@2017.6





@@@@@@@the Department of Public Health Website


Our Department of Public Health aims health promotion, preventive medicine and enhancing quality of life.For those purposes, we are conducting studies on epidemiology of lifestyle-related diseases, physical activity and health promotion, diet and health, fat intake and colon cancer, stress and health, evaluation of screening test, prevention of diabetes mellitus, follow-up stusy on Japanese dietitians, randomized controlled study on polypectomized patients for adenomas of the colon etc.

b HOME b Staffs b Education b Achievements b
@@@@Department of Public Health,
@@@@Community Medicine, Environmental Health Sciences and Medical Education,
@@@@NAGOYA CITY UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Medical Sciences
1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya, 467-8601 Japan TelF+81-52-853-8176E8177@FaxF+81-52-842-3830