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   平成27年(2015年) 業績一覧


Kojima M, Kojima T, Suzuki S, Takahashi N, Funahashi K, Asai S, Yoshioka Y, Tanabe K, Asai N, Takemoto T, Ishiguro N. Patient-reported outcomes as assessment tools and predictors of ,long-term prognosis: a 7-year follow-up study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Int J Rheum Dis, 12789, 2015.


Koyama T, Matsui D, Kuriyama N, Ozaki E, Tanaka K, Oze I, Hamajima N, Wakai K, Okada R, Arisawa K, Mikami H, Shimatani K, Hirata A Takashima N, Suzuki S, Nagata C, Kubo M, Tanaka H. Genetic variants of SLC17A1 are associated with cholesterol homeostasis and hyperhomocysteinaemia in Japanese men. Sci Rep, 5: 15888, 2015.


Yamaguchi M, Uemura H, Arisawa K, Katsuura-Kamano S, Hamajima N, Hishida A, Suma S, Oze I, Nakamura K, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Ibusuki R, Mikami H, Ohnaka K, Kuriyama N, Kubo M, Tanaka H; Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study Group. Association between brain-muscle -ARNT-like protein-2 (BMAL2) gene polymorphism and type 2 diabetes mellitus in obese Japanese individuals: A cross-sectional analysis of the Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort Study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 110: 301-308, 2015.


Uemura H, Katsuura-Kamano S, Yamaguchi M, Arisawa K, Hamajima N, Hishida A, Kawai S, Oze I, Shinchi K, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Nakahata N, Mikami H, Ohnaka K, Kuriyama N, Kubo M, Tanaka H; Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study Group. A variant of the CLOCK gene and related haplotypes are associated with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the Japanese population. J Diabetes, 12344, 2015.


Hosono S, Ito H, Oze I, Higaki Y, Morita E, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Shimatani K, Mikami H, Ohnaka K, Ozaki E, Katsuura-Kamano S, Kubo M, Nagata C, Naito M, Hamajima N, Tanaka H; Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study Group. Polymorphisms in CYP19A1, HSD17B1 and HSD17B2 genes and serum sex hormone level among postmenopausal Japanese women. Maturitas, 82: 394-401, 2015.


Sakane N, Kotani K, Takahashi K, Sano Y, Tsuzaki K, Okazaki K, Sato J, Suzuki S, Morita S, Oshima Y, Izumi K, Kato M, Ishizuka N, Noda M, Kuzuya H. Effects of telephone-delivered lifestyle support on the development of diabetes in participants at high risk of type 2 diabetes: J-DOIT1, a pragmatic cluster randomised trial. BMJ Open, 5: e007316, 2015.


Sugimoto Y, Wakai K, Nakagawa H, Suma S, Sasakabe T, Sakamoto T, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Ogawa S, Ohnaka K, Kuriyama N, Arisawa K, Mikami H, Kubo M, Hosono S, Hamajima N, Tanaka H; J-MICC Study Group. Associations between polymorphisms of interleukin-6 and related cytokine genes and serum liver damage markers: a cross-sectional study in the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study . Gene, 557: 158-162, 2015.


Ito H, Kojima M, Nishida K, Matsushita I, Kojima T, Nakayama T, Endo H, Hirata S, Kaneko Y, Kawahito Y, Kishimoto M, Seto Y, Kamatani N, Tsutani K, Igarashi A, Hasegawa M, Miyasaka N, Yamanaka H. Postoperative complications in patients with rheumatoid arthritis using a biological agent-A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mod Rheumatol, 25: 672-678, 2015.


Kojima T, Yabe Y, Kaneko A, Takahashi N, Funahashi K, Kato D, Hanabayashi M, Asai S, Hirabara S, Asai N, Hirano Y, Hayashi M, Miyake H, Kojima M, Ishiguro N. Importance of methotrexate therapy concomitant with tochlizumab treatment in achieving better clinical outcomes for rheumatoid artthritis patients with high disease activity: an observational cohort study. Rheumatology (Oxford) , 54: 113-120, 2015.


Tokudome S, Kuriki K, Yokoyama Y, Sasaki M, Joh T, Kamiya T, Cheng J, Ogawa K, Shirai T, Imaeda N, Goto C, Tokudome Y, Ichikawa H, Okuyama H. Dietary n-3/long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids for prevention of sporadic colorectal tumors: a randomized controlled trial in polypectomized participants. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 94: 1-11, 2015.


Tokudome S. Re: Effect of Individual Omega-3 Fatty Acids on the Risk of Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. J Epidemiol, 25: 559-560, 2015.


Tokudome S. Re: Determinants of participation in prostate cancer screening: A simple analytical framework to account for healthy-user bias. Cancer Sci, 106: 1479-1480, 2015.


Ando R, Saito A, Uemura Y, Akima H. Local architecture of the vastus intermedius is a better predictor of knee extension force than that of the other quadriceps femoris muscle heads. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging, 35: 376-382, 2015.


Isomura T, Nakamura I, Kawaguchi M, Sato E, Inuzuka K, Osada K, Nishioka K, Hayakawa K. Psychometric assessment of the Japanese version of the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire: reliability and validity. Int J Rhuem Dis, 12574, 2015.



小嶋雅代 : 【日本リウマチ学会関節リウマチ診療ガイドライン2014】関節リウマチ診療ガイドライン2014作成におけるGRADEシステムを用いた新たな試み. Rheumatology Clinical Research, 4: 81-85, 2015.

   平成26年(2014年) 業績一覧


Kojima M, Kojima T, Suzuki S, Takahashi N, Funahashi K, Kato D, Hanabayashi M, Hirabara S, Asai S, Ishiguro N. Alexithymia, depression, inflammation, and pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care Res, 66: 679-686, 2014.


小嶋雅代.運動器心身医療(ロコモサイコソマ)関節リウマチ患者の痛みとメンタルヘルスに関する疫学的検討. 日本心療内科学会誌, 18: 159-163, 2014.


Tokudome S, Ando R, Ichikawa Y, Ishikawa H, Imaeda N, Goto C, Tokudome Y, Okuyama H. RE: Plasma phospholipid fatty acids and prostate cancer risk in the SELECT trial. J Natl Cancer Inst, 106: dju020, 2014.


Isomura T, Kono T, Hindmarch I, Kikuchi N, Murakami A, Inuzuka K, Kawana S. Central nervous system effects of the second-generation antihistamines marketed in Japan-review of inter-drug differences using the proportional impairment ratio (PIR)-. PLos One, 12: e114336, 2014.


磯村達也, 川口美佳, 寒河江千鶴, 犬塚恭子, 中村郁朗, 長田賢一, 西岡健弥 Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR) . 日本語版の開発 言語的妥当性を担保した翻訳版の作成.臨床リウマチ, 26: 35-44, 2014.


磯村達也, 村上亜弥, 犬塚恭子, 川口美佳, 佐藤恵美子, 中村郁朗, 岡寛, White K. P. , 西岡健弥日本語版 London Fibromyalgia Epidemiology Study Screening Questionnaire (LFESSQ) の開発 言語的妥当性を担保した翻訳版の作成. 臨床リウマチ, 26: 130-136, 2014.


磯村達也, 住谷昌彦, 松平浩, 木村智政, Bennett Michael I. 川口美佳, 佐藤恵美子, 木村美雪, 犬塚恭子, 早川和宏日本語版 Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs Pain Scale (LANSS 痛みスケール) の開発 言語的妥当性を担保した翻訳版の作成. ペインクリニック, 35: 933-940, 2014.


Nishiyama T, Suzuki M, Adachi K, Sumi S, Okada K, Kishino H, Sakai S, Kamio Y, Kojima M, Suzuki S, Kanne SM. Comprehensive comparison of self-administered questionnaires for measuring quantitative autistic traits in adults. J Autism Dev Disord, 44: 993-1007, 2014.


Nishiyama T, Kanne SM. On the misapplication of the BAPQ in a sudy of autism. J Autism Dev Disord, 44: 2079-2080, 2014.


Nishiyama T, Mizuno T, Kojima M, Suzuki S, Kitajima T, Ando KB, Kuriyama S, Nakayama M. Criterion validify of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Epworth Sleepiness Scale for the diagnosis of sleep disorders. Sleep Med, 15: 422-429, 2014.


藤田ひとみ, 小嶋雅代, 永谷照男, 細野晃弘, 荒井健介, 辻村尚子, 岡京子, 岡本尚子, 神谷真有美, 鈴木美奈, 近藤文, 鈴木貞夫キャンパス敷地内全面禁煙に伴う医学生への防煙教育の必要性. 東海公衆衛生雑誌, 2: 77-83, 2014.


若林諒三, 森本浩之, 浅井知嗣, 水谷陽子, 蒲谷嘉代子, 竹村景史, 羽柴基之, 渡邉暢浩, 中山明峰, 村上信吾難治性めまい患者に対する個別リハビリテーションの効果. Equilibrium Research, 73: 521-527, 2014.


Hishida A, Wakai K, Natio M, Suma S, Sasakabe T, Hamajima N, Hosono S, Horita M, Turin TC, Suzuki S, Kairupan TS, Mikami H, Ohnaka K, Watanabe I, Uemura H, Kubo M, Tanaka H; J-MICC Study Group. Polymorphisms of genes involved in lipid metabolism and risk of chronic kidney disease in Japanese-cross-sectional data from the J-MICC study. Lipids Health Dis, 13: 162, 2014.


Hara M, Nakamura K, Nanri H, Nishida Y, Hishida A, Kawai S, Hamajima N, Kita Y, Suzuki S, Mantjoro EM, Ohnaka K, Uemura H, Matsui D, Oze I, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H; Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study Group. Associations between hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism and increased body mass index and fasting glucose level in the Japanese general population. J Epidemiol, 24: 379-384, 2014.


Katsuura-Kamano S, Uemura H, Arisawa K, Yamaguchi M, Hamajima N, Wakai K, Okada R, Suzuki S, Taguchi N, Kita Y, Ohnaka K, Kairupan TS, Matsui D, Oze I, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H. A polymorphism near MC4R gene (rs17782313) is associated with serum triglyceride levels in the general Japanese population: the J-MICC Study. Endocrine, 47: 81-89, 2014.


Yamada H, Kawado M, Aoyama N, Hashimoto S, Suzuki K, Wakai K, Suzuki S, Watanabe Y, Tamakoshi A; JACC Study Group. Coffee consumption and risk of colorectal cancer: the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study. J Epidemiol, 24: 370-378, 2014.


Aoyama N, Kawado M, Yamada H, Hashimoto S, Suzuki K, Wakai K, Suzuki S, Watanabe Y, Tamakoshi A. Low intake of vegetables and fruits and risk of colorectal cancer: the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study. J Epidemiol, 24: 353-360, 2014.


Hishida A, Takashima N, Turin TC, Kawai S, Wakai K, Hamajima N, Hosono S, Nishida Y, Suzuki S, Nakahata N, Mikami H, Ohnaka K, Matsui D, Katsuura-Kamano S, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Kita Y. GCK, GCKR polymorphisms and risk of chronic kidney disease in Japanese individuals: data from the J-MICC Study. J Nephrol, 27: 143-149, 2014.

19. Ishikawa H, Mutoh M, Suzuki S, Tokudome S, Saida Y, Abe T, Okamura S, Tajika M, Joh T, Tanaka S, Kudo SE, Matsuda T, Iimuro M, Yukawa T, Takayama T, Sato Y, Lee K, Kitamura S, Mizuno M, Sano Y, Gondo N, Sugimoto K, Kusunoki M, Goto C, Matsuura N, Sakai T, Wakabayashi K. The preventive effects of low-dose enteric-coated aspirin tablets on the development of colorectal tumours in Asian patients: a randomised trial. Gut, 63: 1755-1759, 2014.

Honjo K, Iso H, Fukuda Y, Nishi N, Nakaya T, Fujino Y, Tanabe N, Suzuki S, Subramanian SV, Tamakoshi A; JACC Study Group. Influence of municipal-and individual-level socioeconomic conditions on mortality in Japan. Int J Behav Med, 21: 737-749, 2014.



鈴木貞夫 : 【大腸癌診療の新たな展開】大腸癌の疫学の新しい視点.コンセンサス癌治療 13: 4-9, 2014.

  平成25年(2013年) 業績一覧


Suzuki S, Kojima M, Tokudome S, Mori M, Sakauchi F, Wakai K, Fujino Y, Lin Y, Kikuchi S, Tamakoshi K, Tamakoshi A. Obesity/weight gain and breast cancer risk: findings from the Japan collaborative cohort study for the evaluation of cancer risk. J Epidemiol, 23: 139-145, 2013.


小嶋雅代, 小嶋俊久, 難波大夫, 茂木七香, 大谷尚, 高橋伸典, 加藤大三, 舟橋康治, 松原浩之, 服部陽介, 石黒直樹関節リウマチ患者は薬物治療の変化をどのように感じているか-フォーカスグループによる質的研究. 中部リウマチ, 43: 17-20, 2013.


辻村尚子, 牧田光代, 内藤貞子, 角谷幸宏地域連携業務に携わるリハビリテーションスタッフが捉える医療施設と地域でのリハビリテーション―豊橋在宅リハビリテーション連絡会における意識調査から. バイオフィリアリハビリテーション研究, 8: 7-12, 2013.


Ando R, Nagaya T, Suzuki S, Takahashi H, Kawai M, Okada A, Yasui T, Kubota Y, Umemoto Y, Tozawa K, Kohri K. Kidney stone formation is positively associated with conventional risk factors for coronary heart disease in Japanese men. J Urol, 189: 1340-1346, 2013.


Nakamura A, Niimura H, Kuwabara K, Takezaki T, Morita E, Wakai K, Hamajima N, Nishida Y, Turin TC, Suzuki S, Ohnaka K, Uemura H, Ozaki E, Hosono S, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H. Gene-gene combination effect and interactions among ABCA1, APOA1, SR-B1, and CEPT polymorphisms for serum high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol in the Japanese population. PLoS One, 8: e82046, 2013.


Hishida A, Wakai K, Naito M, Tamura T, Kawai S, Hamajima N, Oze I, Imaizumi T, Turin TC, Suzuki S, Kheradmand M, Mikami H, Ohnaka K, Watanabe Y, Arisawa K, Kubo M, Tanaka H. Polymorphisms in PPAR Genes (PPARD, PPARG, and PPARGC1A) and the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease in Japanese: Cross-Sectional Data from the J-MICC Study. PPAR Res, 980471, 2013.


Ishikawa H, Wakabayashi K, Suzuki S, Mutoh M, Hirata K, Nakamura T, Takeyama I, Kawano A, Gondo N, Abe T, Tokudome S, Goto C Matsuura N, Sakai T. Preventive effects of low-dose aspirin on colorectal adenoma growth in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis: double-blind, randomized clinical trial. Cancer Med, 2: 50-56, 2013.


Katano K, Suzuki S, Ozaki Y, Suzumori N, Kitaori T, Sugiura-Ogasawara M. Peripheral natural killer cell activity as a predictor of recurent pregnancy loss: a large cohort study. Fertil Steril, 100: 1629-1634, 2013.


Khan MM, Khan A, Nojima M, Suzuki S, Fujino Y, Tokudome S, Tamakoshi K, Mori M, Tamakoshi A. Ovarian cancer mortality among women aged 40-79 years in relation to reproductive factors and body mass index: latest evidence from the Japan Collaborative Cohort study. J Gynecol Oncol, 24: 249-257, 2013.


Hishida A, Okada R, Naito M, Morita E, Wakai K, Hamajima N, Hosono S, Nanri H, Turin TC, Suzuki S, Kuwabara K, Mikami H, Budhathoki S, Watanabe I, Arisawa K, Kubo M, Tanaka H. Polymorphisms in genes encoding antioxidant enzymes (SOD2, CAT, GPx, TXNRD, SEPP1, SEP15 and SELS) and risk of chronic kidney disease in Japanese-cross-sectional data from the J-MICC study. J Clin Biochem Nutr, 53: 15-20, 2013.


Hayashi Y, Sasaki H, Suzuki S, Nishiyama T, Kitaori T, Mizutani E, Suzumori N, Sugiura-Ogasawara M. Genotyping analyses for polymorphisms of ANXA5 gene in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss. Fertil Steril, 100: 1018-1024, 2013.


Yasui T, Okada A, Hamamoto S, Hirose M, Ando R, Kubota Y, Tozawa K, Hayashi Y, Gao B, Suzuki S, Kohri K. The association between the incidence of urolithiasis and nutrition based on Japanese National Health and Nutrition Surveys. Urolithiasis, 41: 217-224, 2013.


Hishida A, Okada R, Guang Y, Naito M, Wakai K, Hosono S, Nakamura K, Turin TC, Suzuki S, Niimura H, Mikami H, Otonari J, Kuriyama N, Katsuura S, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Hamajima N. MTHFR, MTR and MTRR polymorphisms and risk of chronic kidney disease in Japanese: cross-sectional data from the J-MICC Study. Int Urol Nephrol, 45: 1613-1620, 2013.


Tanaka T, Taniguchi T, Sannomiya K, Takenaka H, Tomonari T, Okamoto K, Kitamura S, Okahisa T, Tamaki K, Mikasa H, Suzuki S, Takayama T. Novel des-y-carboxy prothrombin in serum for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 28: 1348-1355, 2013.


Wakai K, Matsuo K, Matsuda F, Yamada R, Takahashi M, Kawaguchi T, Yatabe Y, Ito H, Hosono S, Tajima K, Naito M, Morita E, Yin G, Sakamoto T, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Nakahata N, Mikami H, Ohnaka K, Watanabe Y, Arisawa K, Kubo M, Hamajima N, Tanaka H; J-MICC Study Group. Genome-wide association study of genetic fastors related to confectionery intake: potential roles of the ADIPOQ gene. Obesity (Silver Spring), 21: 2413-2419, 2013.


Sakane N, Kotani K, Takahashi K, Sano Y, Tsuzaki K, Okazaki K, Sato J, Suzuki S, Morita S, Izumi K,,Kato M, Ishizuka N, Noda M, Kuzuya H. Japan Diabetes Outcome Intervention Trial-1 (J-DOIT1), a nationwide cluster randomized trial of type 2 diabetes prevention by telephone-delivered lifestyle support for high-risk subjects detected at health checkups: rationale, esign, and recruitment. BMC Public Health, 13: 81, 2013.


Hishida A, Wakai K, Okada R, Morita E, Hamajima N, Hosono S, Higaki Y, Turin TC, Suzuki S, Motahareh K, Mikami H, Tashiro N, Watanabe I, Katsuura S, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Naito M. Signficant interaction between RETN-420 G/G genotype and lower BMI on decreased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Japanese--the J-MICC Study. Endocr J, 60: 237-243, 2013.


Takatsuno Y, Mimori K, Yamamoto K, Sato T, Niida A, Inoue H, Imoto S, Kawano S, Yamaguchi R, Toh H, Iinuma H, Ishimaru S, Ishi H, Suzuki S, Tokudome S, Watanabe M, Tanaka J, Kudo SE, Mochizuki H, Kusunoki M, Yamada K, Shimada Y, Moriya Y, Miyano S, Sugihara K, Mori M. The rs6983267 SNP in associated with MYC transcription efficiency, which promotes progression and worsens prognosis of colorectal cancer. Ann Surg Oncol, 20: 1395-1402, 2013.


Sugiura-Ogasawara M, Suzuki S, Ozaki Y, Katano K, Suzumori N, Kitaori T. Frequency of recurrent spontaneous abortion and its influence on further marital relationship and illness: the Okazaki Cohort Study in Japan. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 39: 126-131, 2013.



小嶋雅代 : 周術期患者における死亡率と心血管イベントの発現. リウマチ科, 49: 471-478, 2013.

   平成24年(2012年) 業績一覧



Nagaya T, Kondo Y, Okinaka T. Serum dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate reflects age better than health status, and may increase with cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking in middle-aged men. Aging Clin Exp Res, 24: 134-138, 2012.


Nishiyama T, Kishino H, Suzuki S, Ando R, Niimura H, Uemura H, Horita M, Ohnaka K, Kuriyama N, Mikami H, Takashima N, Matsuo K, Guang Y, Wakai K, Hamajima N, Tanaka H; J-MICC Study Goup. Detailed analysis of Japanese population substructure with a focus on the southwest islands of Japan. PLoS One, 7: e35000, 2012.


上村義季, 小嶋雅代, 永谷照男, 今枝奈保美, 鈴木貞夫女子大学生の飲酒行動と意識に関する調査. 日本公衆衛生雑誌, 59: 31-38, 2012.


Okada R, Wakai K, Naito M, Morita E, Kawai S, Hamajima N, Hara M, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Takezaki T, Ohnaka K, Arisawa K, Hirohata H, Matsuo K, Mikami H, Kubo M Tanaka H; Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study Group. Pro-/anti-inflammatory cytokine gene polymorphisms and chronic Kidney disease: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nephrol, 13: 2, 2012.


Tsuboi K, Suzuki S, Nagai M. Descriptive epidemiology of Fabry disease among beneficiaries of the Specified Disease Treatment Research Program in Japan. J Epidemiol, 22: 370-374, 2012.


Okada R, Kawai S, Naito M, Hishida A, Hamajima N, Shinchi K, Chowdhury Turin T, Suzuki S, Mantjoro EM, Toyomura K, Arisawa K, Kuriyama N, Hosono S, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Wakai K; Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study Group. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 gene polymorphisms and chronic kidney diseasey. Am J Nephrol, 36: 444-450, 2012.


Higashibata T, Hamajima N, Naito M, Kawai S, Yin G, Suzuki S, Kita Y, Niimura H, Imaizumi T, Ohnaka K, Arisawa K, Shigeta M, Ito H, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Wakai K. eNOS genotype modifies the effect of leisure-time physical activity on serum triglyceride levels in a Japanese population. Lipids Health Dis, 11: 150, 2012.


Hara M, Higaki Y, Taguchi N, Shinchi K, Morita E, Naito M, Hamajima N, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Nakamura A, Ohnaka K, Uemura H, Nishida H, Hosono S, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H; Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study Group. Effect of the PPARG2 Pro12Ala polymorphism and clinical risk factors for diabetes mellitus on HbA1c in the Japanese general population. J Epidemiol, 22: 523-531, 2012.


Hishida A, Morita E, Naito M, Okada R, Wakai K, Matsuo K, Nakamura K, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Takezaki T, Mikami H, Ohnaka K, Watanabe Y, Uemura H, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Hamajima N. Associations oh apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5), glucokinase (GCK) and glucokinase regulatory protein (GCKR) polymorphiisms and lifestyle factors with the risk of dyslipidemia and dysglycemia in Japanese-a cross-sectional data from the J-MICC Study. Endocr J, 59: 589-599, 2012.


Sugiura-Ogasawara M, Suzuki S, Kitazawa M, Kuwae C, Sawa R, Shimizu Y Takeshita T, Yoshimura Y; Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology/Career Support Committee. Career satisfaction level, mental distress, and gender differences in working conditions among Japanese obstetricians and gynecologists. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 38: 550-558, 2012.


Uemura H, Hiyoshi M, Arisawa K, Yamaguchi M, Naito M, Kawai S, Hamajima N, Matsuo K, Taguchi N, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Hirasada K, Mikami H, Ohnaka K, Yoshikawa A, Kubo M, Tanaka H; Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort. Gene Variants in PPARD and PPARGC1A are associated with timing of natural menopause in the general Japanese population. Maturitas, 71: 369-375, 2012.


Hiyoshi M, Uemura H, Arisawa K, Nakamoto M, Hishida A, Okada R, Matsuo K, Kita Y, Niimura H, Kuriyama N, Nanri H, Ohnaka K, Suzuki S, Mikami H, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Hamajima N; J-MICC Study Group. Association between the catechol-O-methyltransferase(rs4680: Val158Med) polymorphism and serum alanine aminotransferase activity. Gene, 496: 97-102, 2012.


Ishimaru S, Mimori K, Yamamoto K, Inoue H, Imoto S, Kawano S, Yamaguchi R, Sato T, Toh H, Iinuma H, Maeda T, Ishii H, Suzuki S, Tokudome S, Watanabe M, Tanaka J, Kudo SE, Sukihara K, Hase K, Mochizuki H, Kusunoki M, Yamada K, Shimada Y, Moriya Y, Barnard GF, Miyano S, Mori M. Increased risk for CRC in diabetic patients with the nonrisk allele of SNPs at 8q24. Ann Surg Oncol, 19: 2853-2858, 2012.


Kojima T, Kaneko A, Hirano Y, Ishikawa H, Miyake H, Oguchi T, Takagi H, Yabe Y, Kato T, Ito T, Terabe K, Fukaya N, Kanayama Y, Shioura T, Funahashi K, Hayashi M, Kato D, Matsubara H, Fujibayashi T, Kojima M, Ishiguro N; TBC. Study protocol of a multicenter registry of patients with rheumatoid arthritis starting biologic therapy in Japan-Tsurumai Biologics Communication Registry (TBCR) study. Mod Rheumatol, 22: 339-345, 2012.



Kojima M. Alexithymia as a prognostic risk factor for health problems: a brief review of epidemiological studies. Biopsychosoc Med, 6: 21, 2012.


Kojima M. Epidemiologic studies of psychosocial factors associated with quality of life among patients with chronic diseases in Japan. J Epidemiol, 22: 7-11, 2012.


若井建志, 小嶋雅代, 川村孝, 後藤雅史 : [IgA腎症・明らかになったことと今後の問題点]わが国のIgA腎症の疫学的特徴. 腎と透析, 72: 45-48, 2012.

   平成23年(2011年) 業績一覧



Ando Ryosuke, Suzuki Sadao, Nagaya Teruo, Yamada Tamaki, Okada Atsushi, Yasui Takahiro, Tozawa Keiichi, Tokudome Shinkan and Kohri Kenjiro: Impact of insulin resistance, insulin and adiponectin on kidney stones in the Japanese population. Int J Urol, 18: 131-138, 2011.


河邉眞好, 小嶋雅代, 永谷照男, 鈴木貞夫大学および附属病院の全面禁煙実施による施設利用者の意識・行動への影響. 日本公衛誌, 58: 266-273, 2011.


Yamada Tamaki, Fukatsu Mitsuru, Suzuki Sadao, Wada Tsuneya, Joh Takahashi: Elevated serum uric acid predicts impaired fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes only among Japanese women undergoing health checkups. Diabetes & Metabolism, 37: 252-258, 2011.


Wakai Kenji, Hamajima Nobuyuki, Okada Rieko, Naito Mariko, Morita Emi, Hishida Asahi, Kawai Sayo, Nishio Kazuko, Yin Guang, Asai Yatami, Matsuo Keitaro, Hosono Satoyo, Ito Hidemi, Watanabe Miki, Kawase Takakazu, Suzuki Takeshi, Tajima Kazuo, Tanaka Keitaro, Higaki Yasuki, Hara Megumi, Imaizumi Takeshi, Taguchi Naoto, Nakamura Kazuyo, Nanri Hinako, Sakamoto Tatsuhiko, Horita Mikako, Shinchi Koichi, Kita Yoshikuni, Chowdhury Turin Tanvir, Rumana Nahid, Matsui Kenji, Miura Katsuyuki, Ueshima Hirotsugu, Takashima Naoyuki, Nakamura Yasuyuki, Suzuki Sadao, Ando Ryosuke, Hosono Akihiro, Imaeda Nahomi, Shibata Kiyosh, Goto Chiho, Hattori Nami, Fukatsu Mitsuru, Yamada Tamaki, Tokudome Shinkan, Takezaki Toshiro, Niimura Hideshi, Hirasada Kazuyo, Nakamura Akihiko, Tatebo Masaya, Ogawa Shin, Tsunematsu Noriko, Chiba Shirabe, Mikami Haruo, Kono Suminori, Ohnaka Keizo, Takayanagi Ryoichi, Watanabe Yoshiyuki, Ozaki Etsuko, Shigeta Masako, Kuriyama Nagato, Yoshikawa Aya, Matsui Daisuke, Watanabe Isao, Inoue Kaoru, Ozasa Kotaro, Mitani Satoko, Arisawa Kokichi, Uemura Hirokazu, Hiyoshi Mineyoshi, Takami Hidenobu, Yamaguchi Miwa, Nakamoto Mariko, Takeda Hideo, Kubo Michiaki, and Tanaka Hideo, for the J-MICC Study Group: Profile of participants and genotype distributions of 108 polymorphisms in a cross-sectional study of associations of genotypes with lifestyle and clinical factors: a project in the Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study. J Epidemiol, 21: 223-235, 2011.


Fujino Yoshihisa, Tanabe Naohito, Honjo Kaori, Suzuki Sadao, Shirai Kokoro, Iso Hiroyasu, Tamakoshi Akiko and for JACC Study Group: A prospective cohort study of neighborhood stress and ischemic heart disease in Japan: a multilevel analysis using the JACC study data. BMC Public Health, 11: 398, 2011.


Tsuboi Masaki, Hasegawa Yukiharu, Matsuyama Yukihiro, Suzuki Sadao, Suzuki Koji, Imagama Shiro: Do musculoskeletal degenerative diseases affect mortality and cause of death after 10 years in Japan? J Bone Miner Metab, 29: 217-223, 2011.



鈴木貞夫 : 我が国の禁煙の効果予想. 日本医事新報, 4570: 60-61, 2011. 


小嶋雅代 : 慢性疾患患者のQOLと疫学. Quality of Life Journal, 12: 85-90, 2011.


小嶋雅代 : 関節リウマチの痛み、うつ、QOL. メディカル朝日, 40: 38-39, 2011.


   平成22年(2010年) 業績一覧



Nagaya Teruo, Yoshida Hideyo, Takahashi Hidekatsu and Kawai Makoto: Resting heart rate and blood pressure, independent of each other, proportionally raise the risk for type-2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Epidemiol, 39: 215-222, 2010.


Marumoto Mitsuhiro, Suzuki Sadao, Hosono Akihiro, Arakawa Kazuyuki, Shibata Kiyoshi, Fuku Mizuho, Goto Chiho, Tokudome Yuko, Hoshino Hideki, Imaeda Nahomi, Kobayashi Masaaki, Yodoi Junji, Tokudome Shinkan: Changes of thioredoxin concentrations: an observation in an ultra-marathon race. Environ Health Prev Med, 15: 129-134, 2010.


Shibata Kiyoshi, Suzuki Sadao, Sato Juichi, Ohsawa Isao, Goto shinichi, Hashiguchi Masaru, Tokudome Shinkan: Abdominal circumference should not be a required criterion for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. Environ Health Prev Med, 15: 229-235, 2010.


Yamada Tamaki, Suzui Sadao, Fukatsu Mitsuru, Wada Tsuneya, Yoshida Takashi, Joh Takashi: Elevated serum uric acid is an independent risk factor for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Japanese undergoing a health checkup. Acta Gastroenterol Belg, 73: 12-17, 2010.


Yamada Tamaki, Fukatsu Mitsuru, Suzuki Sadao, Wada Tsuneya, Yoshida Takashi, Joh Takashi: Fatty liver predicts impaired fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japanese undegoing a health checkup. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 25: 352-356, 2010.


Sugiura-Ogasawara Mayumi, Ozaki Yasuhiko, Kitaori Tamao, Kumagai Kyoko, Suzuki Sadao: Midline uterine defect size is correlated with miscarriage of euploid embryos in recurrent cases. Fertil Steril, 93: 1983-1988, 2010.


Tamakoshi Akiko, Yatsuya Hiroshi, Lin Yingsong, Tamakoshi Koji, Kondo Takaaki, Suzuki Sadao, Yagyu Kiyoko, Kikuchi Shog for the JACC Study Group: BNI and all-cause mortality among Japanese older adults: findings from the Japan collaborative cohort study. Obesity (Silver Spring), 18: 362-369, 2010.


Yamada Tamaki, Fukatsu Mitsuru, Suzuki Sadao, Yoshida Takashi, Tokudome Shinkan, Joh Takashi: Alcohol drinking may not be a major risk factor for fatty liver in Japanese undegoing a health checkup. Dig Dis Sci, 55: 176-182, 2010.


Nagaya Teruo, Yoshida Hideyo, Takahashi Hidekatsu, Kawai Makoto: Heart rate-corrected QT interval in resting ECG predicts the risk for development of type-2 diabetes mellitus. Eur J Epidemiol, 25: 195-202, 2010.


Kojima Masayo, Kojima Toshihisa, Ishiguro Noki, Furukawa A Toshiaki: Exploring the link between depression and rheumatoid arthritis: prospects for optimal therapeutic success. Int J Clin Rheumatol, 5: 273-275, 2010.


Obayashi Shintaro, Ozaki Yasuhiko, Sugi Toshitaka, Kitaori Tamao, Katano Kinue, Suzuki Sadao, Sugiura-Ogasawara Mayumi: Antiphophatidylethanolamine antibodies might not be an independent risk factor for further miscarriage in patients suffering recurrent pregnancy loss. j Reprod Immunol, 85: 186-192, 2010.


Kojima Masayo, Hayano Junichiro, Suzuki Sadao, Seno Hachiro, Kasuga Hirotake, Takahashi Hiroshi, Toriyama Takanobu, Kawahara Hirohisa, Furukawa Toshiaki A.: Depression, alexithymia and long-term mortality in chronic hemodialysis patients. Psychother Psychosom, 79: 303-311, 2010.


Tanaka Fumiaki, Yamamoto Ken, Suzuki Sadao, Inoue Hiroshi, Tsurumaru Masahiko, Kajiyama Yoshiaki, Kato Hoichi, Igaki Hiroyasu, Furuta Koh, Fujita Hiromasa, Tanaka Toshiaki, Tanaka Yoichi, Kawashima Yoshiyuki, Natsugoe Shoji, Setoyama Tetsuro, Tokudome Shinkan, Mimori Koshi, Haraguchi Naotsugu, Ishii Hideshi, Mori Masaki: Strong interaction between the effects of alcohol consumption and smoking on oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma among individuals with ADHIB and/or ALDH2 risk alleles. GUT, 59: 1457-1464, 2010.


Wang Jingwen, Zhao Yang, Jiang Jing, Gajalakshmi Vendhan, Kuriki Kiyonori, Nakamura Seiichi, Akasaka Susumu, Ishikawa Hideki, Suzuki Sadao, Nagaya Teruo, Tokudome Shinkan: Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes XRCCI, XRCC3 and XPD, and colorectal cancer risk: a case-control study in an Indian population. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 136: 1517-1525, 2010.


坪井一哉、鈴木貞夫、永井正規 : 臨床調査個人票を用いたライソゾーム病受給者の疫学像の解析.厚生労働科学研究費補助金 難治性疾患克服研究事業 特定疾患の疫学に関する研究. 平成21年度総括・分担研究報告書, 2010.


鈴木貞夫 : 綜説 脱だばこ社会へ-その動向と展望-. 現代医学, 58: 221-229, 2010.


   平成21年(2009年) 業績一覧



Hattori Nami, Hayashi T., Nakachi K., Ichikawa Hiromitsu, Goto Chiho, Tokudome Yuko, Kuriki Kiyonori, Hoshino Hideki, Shibata Kiyoshi, Yamada N, Tokudome Mizuho, Suzuki Sadao, Nagaya Teruo, Kobayashi Masaaki, Tokudome Shinkan: Changes of ROS during a two-day ultra-marathon race. Int J Sports Med, 30: 426-429, 2009.


Suzuki Sadao, Kojima Masayo, Tokudome Sinkan, Suzuki Koji, Ozasa Kotaro, Ito Yoshinori, Inaba Yutaka, Tajima Kazuo, Nakachi Kei, Watanabe Yoshiyuki, Tamakoshi Akiko; for the JACC Study Group: Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-, IGF-, IGF binding protein-3, and risk of colorectal cancer: a nested case-control study in the JACC Study. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 10: Suppl 45-49, 2009.


Sakauchi Fumio, Nojima M, Mori Misturu, Wakai Kenji, Suzuki Sadao, Tamakoshi Akiko, Ito Yoshinori, Watanabe Yoshiyuki, Inaba Yutaka, Tajima Kazuo, Nakachi Kei: Serum insulin-like growth factor-, , insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 and risk of breast cancer in JACC Study. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 10: Suppl 51-55, 2009.


Sugiura-Ogasawara Mayumi, Ozaki Yasuhiko, Kitaori Tamao, Suzumori Nobuhiro, Obayashi Shintaro, Suzuki Sadao: Live birth rate according to maternal age and previous number of recurrent miscarriages. Am J Reprod Immunol. 62: 314-319, 2009.


Cote Michele L, Chen Wei, Smith Daryn W, Benhamou Simone, Bouchardy Christine, Butkiewicz Dorota, Fong Kwun M, Gene Manuel, Hirvonen Ari, Kiyohara Chikako, Larsen Jill E, Lin Pinpin, Raaschou-Nielsen Ole, Povey Andrew C, Reszka Edyta, Risch Angela, Schneider Joachim, Schwartz Ann G, Sorensen Mette, To-Figueras Jordi, Tokudome Shinkan, Pu Yuepu, Yang Ping, Wenzlaff Angela S, Wikman Harriet, and Taioli Emanuela: Meta- and pooled analysis of GSTP1 polymorphism and lung cancer: A HuGE-GSEC review. Am J Epidemiol, 169: 802-814, 2009.


Ngoan Le Tran, Thu Nguyen, Thi, Lua Nguyen Thi, Hang Lai Thi Minh, Bich Nguyen Ngoc, Hieu Nguyen Van, Quyet Ha Van, Tai Le Thi, Van Do Duc, Khan Nguyen Cong, Mai Le Bach, Tokudome Shinkan, Yoshimura Takesumi: Cooking temperature, heat-generated-carcinogens, and the risk of stomach and colorectal cancers. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 10: 83-86, 2009


Kojima Masayo, Kojima Toshihisa, Suzuki Sadao, Oguchi Takeshi, Oba Michinari, Tsuchiya Hiroki, Sugiura Fumiaki, Kanayama Yasuhide, Furukawa Toshiaki A, Tokudome Shinkan, and Ishiguro Naoki: Depression, inflammation, and pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum, 61: 1018-1024, 2009


Sugiura-Ogasawara Mayumi, Ozaki Yasuhiko, Kitaori Tamao, Suzumori Nobuhiro, Obayashi Shintaro, Suzuki Sadao: Live birth rate according to maternal age and previous number of recurrent miscarriages. Am J Reprod Immunol, 62: 314-319, 2009.


Kojima Masayo, Kojima Toshihisa, Ishiguro Naoki, Oguchi Takeshi, Oba Michinari, Tsuchiya Hiroki, Sugiura Fumiaki, Furukawa A. Toshiaki, Suzuki Sadao, Tokudome Shinkan: Psychosocial factors, disease status, and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Psychosom Res, 67: 425-431, 2009



鈴木貞夫 : 新しい観点からみた大腸癌の疫学. 大腸癌Frontier, 2: 212-216, 2009.


鈴木貞夫 : 食生活と癌予防について最近のトピックを教えて下さい. Surgery Frontier, 16: 243-246, 2009.

   平成20年(2008年) 業績一覧  



Kojima Masayo, Hayano Junichiro, Fukuta Hidekatsu, Sakata Seiichiro, Mukai Syuji, Ohte Nobuyuki, Seno Hachiro, Toriyama Takaaki, Kawahara Hirohisa, Furukawa A Toshiaki, and Tokudome Shinkan: Loss of fractal heart-rate dynamics in depressive hemodialysis patients. Psychosom Med, 70: 177-185, 2008.


Yoshida Satoshi, Okazaki Yuhki, Yamashita Takumi, Ueda Hiroshi, Ghadimi Reza, Hosono Akihiro, Tanaka Tsutomu, Kuriki Kiyonori, Suzuki Sadao, and Tokudome Shinkan: Analysis of human oral mucosa ex vivo for fatty acid compositions using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Lipids, 43: 361-372, 2008.


Nagaya Teruo, Yoshida Hideyo, Takahashi Hidekatsu, and Kawai Makoto: Heavy smoking raises risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus in obese men; but, light smoking reduces the risk in lean men; a follow-up study in Japan. Ann Epidemiol, 18: 113-118, 2008.


Yasui Takahiro, Iguchi Masanori, Suzuki Sadao, and Kohri Kenjiro: Prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of urolithiasis in Japan; national trends between 1965 and 2005. Urology, 71: 2009-2013, 2008.


Fujino Yoshihisa, Mori Mitsuru, Tamakoshi Akiko, Sakauchi Fumio, Suzuki Sadao, Wakai Kenji, Tokudome Shinkan, Yoshimura Takesumi for the JACC Study Group: A prospective study of educational background and breast cancer among Japanese women. Cancer Causes Control, 19: 931-937, 2008.


Lin Yingsong, Kikuchi Shogo, Tamakoshi Koji, Wakai Kenji, Kondo Takaaki, Niwa Yoshimitsu, Yatsuya Hiroshi, Nishino Kazuko, Suzuki Sadao, Tokudome Shinkan, Yamamoto Akio, Toyoshima Hideakidc, Mori Mitsuru, Tamakoshi Akiko for the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study Group for Evaluation of Cancer Risk: Active smoking, passive smoking, and breast cancer risk; findings from the Japan collaborative cohort study for evaluation of cancer risk. J Epidemiol, 18: 77-83, 2008.


Agawa Hiroyuki, Yamada Norihiro, Enomoto Yusuke, Suzuki Hideaki, Hosono Akihiro, Arakawa Kazuyuki, Ghadimi Reza, Miyata Machiko, Maeda Kenji, Shibata Kiyoshi, Tokudome Mizuho, Goto Chiho, Tokudome Yuko, Hoshino Hideki, Imaeda Nahomi, Marumoto Mitsuhiro, Suzuki Sadao, Kobayashi Masaaki, and Tokudome Shinkan: Changes of mental stress biomarkers in ultramarathon. Int J Sports Med, 29: 867-871, 2008.


Ghadimi Reza, Kuriki Kiyonori, Tsuge Shinji, Takeda Emiru, Imaeda Nahomi, Suzuki Sadao, Sawai Asuka, Takekuma Kiyoshi, Hosono Akihiro, Tokudome Yuko, Goto Chiho, Esfandiary Imaneh, Nomura Hisashi, and Tokudome Shinkan: Serum concentrations of Fatty acids and colorectal adenoma risk; a case-control study in Japan. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 9: 111-118, 2008.


Ando Ryosuke, Nagaya Teruo, Hashimoto Yoshihiro, Suzuki Sadao, Itoh Yasunori, Umemoto Yukihiro, Ikeda Nobuo, Tozawa Keiichi, Kohri Kenjiro, and Tokudome Shinkan: Inverse relationship between obesity and serum prostate-specific antigen level in healthy Japanese men; a hospital-based cross-sectional survey, 2004-2006. Urology, 72: 561-565, 2008.


Miyata Machiko, Kasai Hiroshi, Kawai Kazuaki, Yamada Norihiro, Tokudome Mizuho, Ichikawa Hiromitsu, Goto Chiho, Tokudome Yuko, Kuriki Kiyonori, Hoshino Hideki, Shibata Kiyoshi, Suzuki Sadao, Kobayashi Masaaki, Goto Hideyuki, Ikeda Masato, Otsuka Takanobu, and Tokudome Shinkan: Changes of urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine levels during a two-day ultra-marathon race period in Japanese non-professional runners. Int J Sports Med, 29: 27-33, 2008.


Lee Kyoung-Mu, Kang Daehee, Clapper Margie L, Ingelman-Sundberg Magnus, Ono-Kihara Masko, Kiyohara Chikako, Min Shen, Lan Qing, Le Marchand Loic, Lin Pinpin, Lung Maria Li, Pinarbasi Hatice, Pisani Paola, Srivatanakul Petcharin, Seow Adeline, Sugimura Haruhiko, Tokudome Shinkan, Yokota Jun, and Taioli Emanuela: CYP1A1, GSTM1, and GSTT1 polymorphisms, smoking, and lung cancer risk in a pooled analysis among Asian populations. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 17: 1120-1126, 2008.


橋本良博、城山泰道、安藤亮介、岡田真介、戸澤啓一、郡健二郎前立腺癌の分子標的治療Ⅰ. 泌尿紀要, 5457-61, 2008.


Suzuki Sadao, Kojima Masayo, Tokudome Shinkan, Mori Mitsuru, Sakauchi Fumio, Fujino Yoshihisa, Wakai Kenji, Lin Yingsong, Kikuchi Shogo, Tamakoshi Koji, Yatsuya Hiroshi, Tamakoshi Akiko for the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study Group: Effect of physical activity on breast cancer risk: findings of the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 17: 3396-3401, 2008.


Xiang Jin, Nagaya Teruo, Huang Xin-En, Kuriki Kiyonori, Imaeda Nahomi, Tokudome Yuko, Sato Juichi, Fujiwara Nakako, Maki Shinzo, and Tokudome Shinkan: Sex and seasonal variations of plasma retinol,α-tocopherol, and carotenoid concentrations in Japanese dietitians. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 9: 413-416, 2008.


Kojima Toshihisa, Kojima Masayo, Noda Kazuya, Ishiguro Naoki, and Poole A Robin: Influences of menopause, aging, and gender on the cleavage of typecollagen in cartilage in relationship to bone turnover. Menopause, 15: 133-137, 2008.


Yasui Takahiro, Suzuki Sadao, Itoh Yasunori, Tozawa Keiichi, Tokudome Shinkan, and Kohri Kenjiro: Eicosapentaenoic acid has a preventive effect on the recurrence of nephrolithiasis. Urol Int, 81: 135-138, 2008.


Ngoan Le Tran, Khan Nguyen Cong, Mai Le Bach, Huong Nguyen Thi Hhanh, Thu Nguyen Thi, Lua Nguyen Thi, Hang Lai Thi Minh, Bich Nguyen Ngoc, Hieu Nguyen Van, Quyet Ha Van, Tai Le Thi, Van Do Duc, Moore Malcolm Anthony, Tokudome Shinkan, and Yoshimura Takesumi: Development of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for dietary studies–focus on vitamin C intak. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 9: 427-432, 2008.


Ngoan Le Tran, Anh Nguye Thi Diep, Huong Nguyen Thi Thanh, Thu Nguyen Thi Thu,, Lua Nguyen Thi, Hang Lai Thi Minh, Bich Nguyen Ngoc, Hieu Nguyen Van, Quyet Ha Van, Tai Le Thi, Van Do Duc, Khan Nguyen Cong, Mai Le Bach, Tokudome Shinkan, and Yoshimura Takesumi: Gastric and colo-rectal cancer mortality in Viet Nam in the Years 2005-2006. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 9: 299-302, 2008.


Suwanrungruang Krittika, Sriamporn Supannee, Wiangnon Surapon, Rangsrikajee Dhanes, Sookprasert Aumkae, Thipsuntornsak Nakorn, Satitvipawee Pratana, Poomphakwaen Kirati, and Tokudome Shinkan: Lifestyle-related risk factors for stomach cancer in Northeast Thailand. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 9: 71-75, 2008.


今枝奈保美栄養表示から推定したレトルト系ベビーフードの栄養成分表の作成. 栄養学雑誌 66: 255-262, 2008.

1. 今枝奈保美 : 平成19年度外食栄養成分表示店定着促進事業「愛知県外食栄養成分表示店アンケート調査報告書」2008.
2. 奥山治美、橋本道男、伊藤幹雄、徳留信寛、島野 仁、板倉弘重 : 各種脂肪酸の生理・薬理機能の多様性. 日本薬理学雑誌, 131: 259-267, 2008.

   平成19年(2007年) 業績一覧  



Ghadimi Reza, Taheri Hassan, Suzuki Sadao, Kashifard Mehrdad, Hosono Akihiro, Esfandiary Inaneh, Moghadamnia Ali Akbar, Ghadimi Rezvan, and Tokudome Shinkan: Host and environmental factors for gastric cancer in Babol, the Caspian Sea Coast, Iran. Eur. J. Cancer Prev, 16: 192-195, 2007.


Feng Xia, Goto Kenji, Fujiwara Nakako, Miyaji Makoto, Yamada Kazuo, and Tokudome Shinkan: Construction of an electronic medical record system at a Japanese University Hospital  – the Nagoya City University Hospital experience Nagoya Med J, 48: 87-99, 2007.


Miyata Machiko, Kasai Hiroshi, Kawai Kazuaki, Yamada Norihiro, Tokudome Mizuho, Ichikawa Hiromitsu, Goto Chiho, Tokudome Yuko, Kuriki Kiyonori, Hoshino Hideki, Shibata Kiyoshi, Suzuki Sadao, Kobayashi Masaaki, Goto Hideyuki, Ikeda Masato, Otsuka Takanobu, and Tokudome Shinkan: Changes of urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine levels during a two-day ultra-marathon race period in Japanese non-professional runners. Int J Sports Med, 29: 27-33, 2007.


Nagaya Teruo, Yoshida Hideyo, Takahashi Hidekatsu, and Kawai Makoto: Cigarett smoking weakens exercise habits in healthy men. Nicotine Tob Res, 9: 1027-1032, 2007.


Sakauchi Fumio, Khan MMH, Mori Mitsuru, Kubo Tatsuhiko, Fujino Yoshihisa, Suzuki Sadao, Tokudome Shinkan, and Tamakoshi Akiko for the JACC Study Group: Dietary habits and risk of ovarian cancer death in a large-scale cohort study (JACC Study) in Japan. Nutr Cancer, 57: 138-145, 2007.


Wakai Kenji, Date Chigusa, Fukui Mitsuru, Tamakoshi Koji, Watanabe Yoshiyuki, Hayakawa Norihiko, Kojima Masayo, Kawado Miyuki, Suzuki Koji, Hashimoto Shuji, Tokudome Shinkan, Ozasa Kotaro, Suzuki Sadao, Toyoshima Hideaki, Ito Yoshinori, and Tamakoshi Akiko for the JACC Study Group: Dietary fiber and risk of colorectal cancer in the Japan collaborative cohort study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 16: 668-675, 2007.


Wakai Kenji, Kojima Masayo, Nishio Kazuko, Suzuki Sadao, Niwa Yoshimitsu, Lin Yingsong, Kondo Takaaki, Yatsuya Hiroshi, Tamakoshi Koji, Yamamoto Akio, Tokudome Shinkan, Toyoshima Hideaki, and Tamakoshi Akiko for the JACC Study Group: Psychological attitudes and risk of breast cancer in Japan; a prospective study. Cancer Causes Control, 18: 259-267, 2007.


Kojima Masayo, Hayano Junichiro, Tokudome Shinkan, Suzuki Sadao, Ibuki Koichi, Tomizawa Hiroshi, Nakata Atsuro, Seno Hachiro, Toriyama Takanobu, Kawahara Hiroshi, and Furukawa A Toshiaki: Independent associations of alexithymia and social support with depression in hemodialysis patients. J Psychosom Res, 63: 349-356, 2007.


Nishio Kazuko, Niwa Yoshimitsu, Toyoshima Hideaki, Tamakoshi Koji, Kondo Takaaki, Yatsuya Hiroshi, Yamamoto Akio, Suzuki Sadao, Tokudome Shinkan, Lin Yingsong, Wakai Kenji, Hamajima Nobuyuki, and Tamakoshi Akiko: Consumption of soy foods and the risk of breast cancer; findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study. Cancer Causes Control, 18: 801- 808, 2007.


Imaeda Nahomi, Goto Chiho, Tokudome Yuko, Hirose Kaoru, Tajima Kazuo, and Tokudome Shinkan: Reproducibility of a short food frequency questionnaire for Japanese general population. J Epidemiol, 17: 100-107, 2007.


徳留信寛 : 医療制度改革は公衆衛生活動への追い風か. 東海公衆衛生学会ニュースレター第7号, 2007.


田中勤、徳留信寛 : 妊娠中の魚介類摂取は児の発達に有益;妊娠女性の魚介類摂取量と小児期の神経発達― 観察コホート研究(ALSPAC研究)「魚介類の栄養学的メリットを生かし、汚染物質への曝露を低減する工夫が必要」の翻訳と解説. Mainichi Medical Journal, 3: 620-621, 2007.

   平成18年(2006年) 業績一覧



Okamoto, Y., Tsuboi, S., Suzuki, S., Nakagaki, H., Ogura, Y., Maeda, K.,and Tokudome, S. Effects of smoking and drinking habits on the incidence of periodontal disease and tooth loss among Japanese males: a 4-yr longitudinal study. J. Periodont. Dis, 41: 560-566, 2006.


Tokudome, S., Ghadimi, R., Suzuki, S., Hosono, A., Tanaka, T., Arakawa, K., Zhao, Y., Hattori, N., Agawa, H., Marumoto, M., Ando, R., and Moore, MA. Helicobacter pylori  infection appears the prime risk factor for stomach cancer. Int J Cancer, 119: 2991, 2006.


Kuriki, K., Tajima, K., and Tokudome, S. Accelerated solvent extraction for quantitative measurement of fatty acids in plasma and erythrocytes. Lipid, 41: 605-614, 2006.


Tokudome, S., Hosono, A., and Suzuki, S. Population-attributable fractions in gastric cancer risk factors; the necessity to focus on Helicobacter pylori infection. Gastric Cancer, 9: 240-241, 2006.


Aklimunnessa, K., Mori, M., Khan, MMH., Sakauchi, F., Kubo, T., Fujino, Y., Suzuki, S., Tokudome, S. and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Effectiveness of cervical cancer screening over cervical cancer mortality among Japanese women. Jpn J Clin Oncol, 36: 511-518, 2006.


Goto, C., Tokudome, Y., Imaeda, N., Takekuma, K., Kuriki, K., Igarashi, F., Ikeda, M., and Tokudome, S. Validation study of fatty acid consumption assessed with a short food frequency questionnaire against plasma concentration in middle-aged Japanese. Scand J Nutr, 50: 77-82, 2006.


Tokudome, S., Kojima, M., Goto, C., Imaeda, N., Tokudome, Y., Kuriki, K., Suzuki, S., Ichikawa, H., Ando, R., Hattori, N., and Okuyama, H. Risks and benefits of omega-3 fatty acids on cancer risk. bmj.com Rapid Responses for Hooper et al.


Khan, MMH., Mori, M., Sakauchi, F., Aklimunnessa, K., Kubo, T., Fujino, Y., Suzuki, S., Tokudome, S., Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Risk of endometrial cancer mortality by ever-use of sex hormones and other factors in Japan. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 7: 260-266, 2006.


Shibata, K., Suzuki, S., Nagaya, T., Sato, J., Osawa, I., Goto, S., Iritani, I., Tokudome, S. Longitudinal changes in medical examination data of ex-smokers in comparison with smokers and non-smokers. Ningen Dock, 20: 35-39, 2006


Tokudome, S., Hosono, A., Suzuki, S., Ghadimi R., Tanaka, T., Ichikawa, H., Miyata, M., Marumoto, M., Agawa, H., Arakawa, K., Ando, R., Hattori, N., Shibata, K., and Zhao, Y. Helicobacter pylori  infection as an essential factor for stomach cancer. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 7: 163, 2006.


Tokudome, S., Kojima., M., Suzuki, S., Ichikawa, H., Ichikawa, Y., Miyata, M., Maeda, K., Marumoto, M., Agawa, H., Arakawa, K., Tanaka, T., Ando, R., Hattori, N., Goto, C., Tokudome, Y., Imaeda, N., Kuriki, K., Okuyama, H. and Moore, M.A. Marine n-3 fatty acids and colorectal cancer - is there a real link? Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15: 406-407, 2006.


Jiang, J., Wang, J., Suzuki, S., Gajalakshmi, V., Kuriki, K., Zhao, Y., Nakamura, S., Akasaka, S., Ishikawa, H., Tokudome, S. Elevated risk of colorectal cancer associated with the AA genotype of the cyclin D1 A870G polymorphism in an Indian population. J. Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 132: 193-199, 2006.


Wang, J., Gajalakshmi, V., Jiang, J., Kuriki, K., Suzuki, S., Nagaya, T., Nakamura, S., Akasaka, S., Ishikawa, H., and Tokudome S. Associations between 5,10methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase codon 677 and 1298 genetic polymorphisms and environmental factors with reference to susceptibility to colorectal cancer: a case-control study in an Indian population. Int J Cancer, 118: 991-997, 2006.


Wakai Kenji, Kawamura Takashi, Endoh Masayuki, Kojima Masayo, Tomino Yasuhiko, Tamakoshi Akiko, Ohno Yoshiyuki, Inaba Yutaka, Sakai Hideto. A scoring system to predict renal outcome in IgA nephropathy; from a nationwide prospective study. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 21: 2800-2808, 2006.


Raimondi S., Paracchini V., Autrup H., Barros-Dios JM., Benhamou S., Boffetta P., Cote ML., Dialyna IA., Dolzan V., Filiberti R., Garte S., Hirvonen A., Husgafvel-Pursiainen K., Imyanitov EN., Kalina I., Kang D., Kiyohara C., Kohno T., Kremers P., Lan Q., London S., Povey AC., Rannug A., Reszka E., Risch A., Romkes M., Schneider J., Seow A., Shields PG., Sobti RC., Sorensen M., Spinola M., Spitz MR., Strange RC., Stucker I., Sugimura H., To-Figueras J., Tokudome Shinkan, Yang P., Yuan J-M., Warholm M., Taioli E. Meta- and pooled analysis of GSTT1 and lung cancer; a Huge-GSEC review. Am J Epidemiol, 164: 1027-1042, 2006.


Nagaya Teruo, Yoshida Hideyo, Takahashi Hidekatsu, Kawai Makoto. Policemen and firefighters have increase risk for Type-2 diabetes mellitus probably due to their large body mass index; a follow-up study in Japanese men. Am J Ind Med, 49: 30-35, 2006.


Takeyama Hiromitsu, Taniguchi Masaaki, Sawai Hirozumi, Funahashi Hitoshi, Akamo Yoshimi, Suzuki Sadao, and Manabe Tadao. Limiting vein puncture to three needle passes in subclavian vein catheterization by the infraclavicular approach. Surg Today, 36: 779-782, 2006.


Nagaya Teruo, Yoshida Hideyo, Takahashi Hidekatsu, Kawai Makoto. Incidence of type-2 diabetes mellitus in a large population of Japanese male white-collar workers. Diab Res Clin Pract, 74: 169-174, 2006.


Suzuki Sadao. Young investigator award Winners special article. Conditional relative odds ratio and comparison of accuracy of diagnostic tests based on  2×2 tables. J Epidemiol, 16: 145-153, 2006.


Tokudome Shinkan: Meeting Report -the 4th regional conference of the Asian pacific organization for cancer prevention. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 7: 3, 2006.


Tokudome Shinkan: Meeting Report -International collaborative study of host and environmental factors for gastrointestinal tract cancers in Southeast Asian countries. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 7: 4, 2006.

   平成17年(2005年) 業績一覧



Masui, T., Hasegawa, Y., Matsuyama, Y., Sakano, S., Kawaki, M., and Suzuki, S. Gender differences in platform measures of balance in rural community-dwelling elders. Arc. Gerontol. Geriatr (in press).


Jiang, J., Wang, J., J.W., Suzuki, S., Gajalakshmi, V., Kuriki, K., Zhao, Y., Nakamura, S., Akasaka, S., Ishikawa, H., and Tokudome, S. Elevated risk of colorectal cancer associated with the AA genotype of thecyclin D1 A870G polymorphism in an Indian population. J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol (in press).


Goto, C., Tokudome, Y., Imaeda, N., Takekuma, K., Kuriki, K., Igarashi, F., Ikeda, M., and Tokudome, S. Validation study of fatty acid consumption levels with a short food frequency questionnaire against those concentrations in plasma in middle-aged Japanese. Scand. J. Nutr. (in press)


Tokudome, S., Goto, C., Tokudome, Y., Imaeda, N., Kuriki, K., Kojima., M., Suzuki, S., Ichikawa, H., Ichikawa, Y., Miyata, M., Maeda, K., Marumoto, M., Agawa, H., Arakawa, K., Tanaka, T., Ando, R., Hattori, N., Okuyama, H. and Moore, M.A. Marine n-3 fatty acids and colorectal cancer - is there a real link? Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev (in press).


Tokudome, S., Samsuria, W.D., Soeripto, Triningsih, FX.E.., Suzuki, S., Hosono, A., Triono, T., Wijaya, I., Sarjadi, Miranti, I.P., Ghadimi, R. and Moore, M.A. Helicobacter pylori infection appears essential for stomach carcinogenesis: observations in Semarang, Indonesia. Cancer Sci. 96: 873-875, 2005.


Wakai, K., Ito, Y., Kojima, M., Tokudome, S., Ozawa, K., Inaba, Y., Yagyu, K. and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Intake frequency of fish and serum levels of long-chain n-3 fatty acids: a cross-sectional study within the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study. J. Epidemiol. 15: 211-218, 2005.


Moore, M.A., Sobue, T., Kuriki, K., Tajima, K., Tokudome, S., and Kono, S. Comparison of Japanese, American-Whites and African-Americans-pointers to risk factors to underlying distribution of tumors in the colorectum. Asian Pasific J. Cancer Prev. 6: 412-419, 2005.


Niwa, Y., Yatsuya, H., Tamakoshi, K., Nishino, K., Kondo, T., Lin, Y., Suzuki, S., Wakai, K., Tokudome, S., Yamamoto, A., Hamajima, N., Toyoshima, H. and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Relationship between body mass index and the risk of ovarian cancer in the Japanese population: Findings from the Japanese Collaborate Cohort (JACC) study. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. 31: 452-458, 2005.


Shibata, K., Suzuki, S., Sato, J., Ohsawa, I., Goto, S., Iritani, I., and Tokudome, S. Diagnostic accuracy of glycohemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) for postprandial hyperglycemia was equivalent to that of fasting blood glucose. J. Clin. Epidemiol. 58: 1052-1057, 2005.


Wakai, K., Tamakoshi, K., Date, C., Fukui, M., Suzuki, S., Lin, Y., Niwa, Y., Nishio, K., Yatsuya, H., Kondo, T., Tokudome, S., Yamamoto, A., Toyoshima, H., Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Dietary intakes of fat and fatty acids and risk of breast cancer: A prospective study in Japan. Cancer Sci. 96: 590-599, 2005.


Jiang, J., Gajalakshmi, V., Wang, J., Kuriki, K., Suzuki, S., Nakamura, S., Akasaka, S., Ishikawa, H., and Tokudome S. Influence of the C161T but not Pro12Ala polymorphism in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma on colorectal cancer in an Indian population. Cancer Sci. 96: 507-512, 2005.


Jiang, J., Suzuki, S., Xiang, J., Kuriki, K., Hosono, A., Arakawa, K., Wang, J., Nagaya, T., Kojima, M., Katsuda N., and Tokudome, S. Plasma carotenoid, α-tocopherol and retinol concentrations and risk of colorectal adenomas: a case-control study in Japan. Cancer Lett. 226: 133-141, 2005.


Tamakoshi, K., Toyoshima, H., Wakai, K., Kojima, M., Suzuki, K., Watanabe, Y., Hayakawa, N., Yatsuya, H., Kondo, T., Tokudome, S., Hashimoto, S., Suzuki, S., Kawado, M., Ozasa, K., Ito, Y., and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Leptin is associated with an increased female colorectal cancer risk: a nested case-control study in Japan. Oncology 68: 454-461, 2005.


Takeyama, H., Taniguchi, M., Sawai, H., Funahashi, H., Hayakawa, T., Tanaka, M., Akamo, Y., Sato, M., Yamamoto, M., Suzuki, S., and Manabe, T. An anti-stray stylet for subclavian catheterization by the infraclavicular approach. Nutrition 21: 432-437, 2005.


Watanabe, Y., Ozasa, K., Ito, Y., Suzuki, K., Kojima, M., Suzuki, S., Tokudome, S., Tamakoshi, K., Toyoshima, H., Kawado, M., Hashimoto, S., Hayakawa, N., Wakai, K., and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Medical history of circulatory diseases and colorectal cancer death in the JACC Study. J. Epidemiol. 15 (suppl. II): S168-S172, 2005.


Wakai, K., Kojima, M., Tamakoshi, K., Watanabe, Y, Hayakawa, N., Suzuki, K., Hashimoto, S., Kawado, M., Tokudome, S., Suzuki, S., Ozasa, K., Toyoshima, H., Ito, Y., and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Alcohol consumption and colorectal cancer risk: findings from the JACC Study J. Epidemiol. 15 (suppl. II): S173-S179, 2005.


Ozasa, K., Ito, Y., Suzuki, K., Watanabe, Y., Kojima, M., Suzuki, S., Tokudome, S., Tamakoshi, K., Toyoshima, H., Kawado, M., Hashimoto, S., Hayakawa, N., Wakai, K., and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Glucose intolerance and coloreclal cancer risk in a nested case-control study among Japanese people.J. Epidemiol. 15 (suppl. II): S180-S184, 2005.


Ito, Y., Suzuki, K., Tamakoshi, K., Wakai, K., Kojima, M., Ozasa, K., Watanabe, Y., Kawado, M., Hashimoto, S., Suzuki, S., Tokudome, S., Toyoshima, H., Hayakawa, N., Kato, K., Watanabe, M., Ohta, Y., Maruta, M., and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Colorectal cancer and serum C-reactive protein levels: a case-control study in the JACC Study. J. Epidemiol. 15 (suppl. II): S185-S189, 2005.


Suzuki, S., Kawado, M., Hashimoto, S., Tokudome, S., Yoshimura, T., and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Change in food intake frequency at five years after baseline in the JACC Study. J. Epidemiol. 15 (suppl. I) : S48-S55, 2005.


Kawado, M., Suzuki, S., Hashimoto, S., Tokudome, S., Yoshimura, T., and Tamakoshi, A., for the JACC Study Group. Smoking and drinking habits five years after baseline in the JACC Study. J. Epidemiol. 15 (suppl. I) : S56-S66, 2005.


Tokudome, Y., Goto, C., Imaeda, N., Hasegawa,T., Kato, R., Hirose, K., Tajima, K., and Tokudome, S. Relative validity of a short food frequency questionnaire for assessing nutrient intake versus three-day weighed diet records in middle-aged Japanese. J. Epidemiol. 15: 135-145, 2005


Hirose, K., Imaeda, N., Tokudome, Y., Goto, C., Wakai, K., Matsuo, K., Ito, H., Toyama, T., Iwata, H., Tokudome, S., and Tajima, K. Soybean products and reduction of breast cancer risk: a case-control study in Japan. Brit. J. Cancer 93: 15-22, 2005.


Yamazaki, S., Kato, S., Matsukura, N., Ohtani, M., Ito, Y., Suto, H., Yamazaki, Y., Yamakawa, A., Tokudome, S., Higashi, H., Hatakeyama, M., and Azuma, T. Identification of Helicobacter pylori and the cag A genotype in gastric biopsies using highly sensitive real time PCR as a new diagnostic tool. Immunol Med. Microbiol. 44: 261-268, 2005.


Kuriki, K., Hamajima, N., Chiba, H., Kanemitsu, Y., Hirai, T., Kato, T., Saito, T., Matsuo, K., Koike, K., Tokudome, S., and Tajima, K. Increased risk of colorectal cancer due to the interactions between meat consumption and the CD36 gene A52C polymorphism among Japanese. Nutr. Cancer 51: 170-177, 2005.


Morimoto, K., Takeshita, T., Nanno, M., Tokudome, S., and Nakayama, K. Modulation of natural killer cell activity by supplementation of fermented milk containing Lactbacillus casei in habitual smokers. Prev. Med. 40: 589-594, 2005. 


Niwa, Y., Wakai, K., Suzuki, S., Tamakoshi, K., Lin, Y., Yatsuya, H., Kondo, T., Nishio, K., Yamamoto, A., Tokudome, S., Hamajima, N., Toyoshima, H., and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Cigarette smoking and the risk of ovarian cancer in the Japanese population: Findings from the Japanese Collaborate Cohort study. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. 31: 144-151, 2005.


Wakai, K., Suzuki, K., Ito, Y., Kojima, M., Tamakoshi, K., Watanabe, Y., Toyoshima, H., Hayakawa, N., Hashimoto, S., Tokudome, S., Suzuki, S., Kawado, M., Ozasa, K., and Tamakoshi, A. for the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study Group. Serum carotenoids, retinol, and tocopherols, and colorectal cancer risk in a Japanese cohort: effect modification by sex for carotenoids. Nut. Cancer 51: 13-24, 2005.


Kojima, M., Wakai, K., Tokudome, S., Suzuki, K., Tamakoshi, K., Watanabe, Y., Kawado, M., Hashimoto, S., Hayakawa, N., Ozasa, K., Toyoshima, H., Suzuki, S., Ito, Y., and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Serum levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids and risk of colorectal cancer: a prospective study. Am. J. Epidemiol. 161: 462-471, 2005.


Kuriki, K., Hamajima, N., Chiba, C., Kanemistu, Y., Hirai, T., Kato, T., Saito, T., Matsuo, K., Koike, K., Tokudome, S., and Tajima, K. Relation of the CD36 gene A52C polymorphism to the risk of colorectal cancer among Japanese, with reference to with the aldehyde dehydrogenase gene Glu487Lys polymorphism and drinking habit. Asian Pacific J. Cancer Prev. 6: 61-68, 2005.


Kojima, M., Wakai, K., Tokudome, S., Tamakoshi, K., Toyoshima, H., Watanabe, Y., Hayakawa, N., Suzuki, K., Hashimoto, S., Kawado, M., Suzuki, S., Ito, Y., and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Perceived psychologic stress and colorectal cancer mortality: findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study. Psychosomat. Med. 67: 72-77, 2005.


Tamakoshi, K., Yatsuya, H., Wakai, K., Suzuki, S., Nishio, K., Lin, Y.S., Niwa, y., Kondo, T., Yamamoto, A., Tokudome, S., Toyoshima, H., and Tamakoshi, A. for the JACC Study Group. Impact of menstrual and reproductive factors on breast cancer risk in Japan: results of the JACC study. Cancer Sci. 96: 57-62, 2005.


Tokudome, S., Soeripto, Triningsih, FX. E., Ananta, I., Suzuki, S., Kuriki, K., Akasaka, S., Kosaka, H., Ishikawa, H., Azuma, T., and Moore, M.A. Rare Helicobacter pylori infection as a factor for the very low stomach cancer incidence in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Cancer Lett. 219: 57-61, 2005..



Tokudome, S., Imaeda, N., Goto, C., Tokudome, Y., and Moore, M.A. Black tea and cardiovascular disease. Int. J. Epidemiol. 34: 482-483, 2005.


Tokudome, S., Suzuki, S., Kojima, M., Hosono, A. Is the proportion of infection-related cancers much greater than generally appreciated? Int. J. Cancer 113: 509, 2005.
